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Is It Illegal To Count Cards

Is it illegal to count cards in australia

Is It Illegal To Count Cards In Blackjack

Is It Illegal To Count Cards

Is It Illegal To Count Cards

Is it illegal to count cards in canadaIs It Illegal To Count Cards
Thanks very much in advance, I know I'm knew here - this is a terrific resource! I've been a lurker for some time, and thought it was high time to make an account
I was wondering if anyone has had any experience or knowledge of the explicit (possibly legislative) parameters of mentally recording cards at a casino game in Australia - in other words, card counting. *EDIT*
Do Australian laws differ when operating in a team scenario, does using coordinated signals and codes constitute any legal issues?
I'd be very curious to hear anyone's knowledge - I've spent some time reading the Victorian Casino Contral Act 1991 and also read through VCGR's Approved Blackjack Rules but I'm certain there would be others out there with a deeper knowledge than I.
If you're curious to hear anything else about the situation feel free to ask, but I might leave it there for now and see if anyone has any comments on this situation.
Well, there goes my Blackjackinfo cherry, be gentle! haha :laugh:

Is It Illegal To Count Cards In Canada

Oct 28, 2014 Card counting, which is not actually illegal but enough of an infraction in the eyes of casinos that afterward, Maryland Live sent Mills a letter, school-principal style, telling him he was not. Card counting has never been and will never be against the law. You can freely count cards as long as gambling establishments don’t catch you. Assuming the latter happens, though, then casinos have a legitimate right to boot and ban you. They draw this right from being a private business.